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Governing Body

Parkfield Governor Vision Statement

As Governors of Parkfield Primary we are incredibly lucky be involved in the leadership of such a vibrant, caring and inclusive school.  We are committed to making sure all children receive the best educational experiences possible, allowing them to achieve their individual potential in a safe, exciting and nurturing environment. We also understand and work hard to make sure we are fulfilling the 3 main roles required of all Governors:

  • Ensuring there is a clear vision, ethos and that the school knows where it is heading 

  • Ensuring that we ask the right questions to ensure the school is doing what it should 

  • Working closely with Trustees to ensure the school spends wisely, always with the best interest of children in mind


We do everything we can to support the ethos of the school – The Parkfield 6. 

  • We believe that everyone’s uniqueness should be recognised and celebrated

  • We encourage everyone to have the highest aspirations, ensuring children and adults discover their own potential and reach for the stars

  • We understand that sometimes life can be difficult, but we encourage everyone to work together, to persevere and to flourish

  • We are committed to ensuring that children receive the best school experience possible so that they can achieve academically, spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally

  • We recognise the right of children and adults to be respected and to show others the respect they deserve, in school and outside, offline and online

  • We believe that everyone should feel they belong and feel a part of a community with the school at its heart


We try hard to use every opportunity to work closely with the school, supporting and asking the right questions, to ensure:

  • That all children and their families are able to access quality learning

  • Teaching is the best it can be, always placing the child at the centre

  • That resources are chosen and used wisely

  • That all groups of children, boys, girls, more able, vulnerable learners and children with special educational and/or medical needs receive quality learning opportunities matched to their needs, so they are able to make the progress they deserve

  • The school’s effectiveness is benchmarked, and that the school continues to aim high

  • The school remains up to date with educational thinking, and that new ways of working, including the use of technology, are taken on if they have a benefit  

  • That everyone has the chance to have their say and to contribute to the way in which the school works – this includes children, their families, the school workforce and the community

  • That everyone’s wellbeing is at the heart of what we do, so that all children, staff, parents and families feel happy, welcomed, included and valued

  • That Governors are visible, approachable, accountable, knowledgeable and a part of everyday school life


We truly believe in the children, the families, the staff and the wider community at Parkfield Primary School and look forward to continuing to help lead the school so that it can be the best it can be.

Local Governing Body

For business information and declarations of interest please visit out MAT website here

All of the Governors listed above have voting rights.


None of our Governors have any interests to declare.

You can read about the separation of responsibilities between members, trustees and the local governing body on our MAT site.

Governor's Attendance 2021/2022

To view our Local Governor Attendance for Previous Years please click here

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Parkfield Primary School is an Academy within the Ignite Learning Partnership which is a private company limited by guarantee, with charitable status, registered in England and Wales (company number: 10773530) and whose registered office address is at St Stephen's C of E Primary School, Woden Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 0BB.

Copyright © 2022 by Parkfield Primary School.

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